
Understand Spring Integration's Gateway

Why am I interested in Gateway?

When I was learning the Claim-check pattern using Spring Integration on the above article, I was lost at Spring Integration's Gateway.

It seemed that Spring Integration Gateway was much more than I would have expected to be: I sent out a message via the Gateway, and received a very final message through out the whole procedure.

Is that what Messaging Gateway supposed to be? Or is this just some trick by Spring Integration?

What is Messaging Gateway in EIP?

  • An application accesses another system via Messaging.

From this description, it sounds like that a Messaging Gateway is an application. It doesn't seem right here with Spring Integration. But maybe it was right at the time EIP was developed.

  • How do you encapsulate access to the messaging system from the rest of the application.
So, this is a question for the reader, me here. Encapsulation means we don't want to expose the rest of the system to the underlying Messaging implementation. That makes sense to a Gateway.
  • Use a Messaging Gateway, a class that wraps messaging-specific method calls and exposes domain-specific methods to the application.
Ok, I know this is the answer for the above question. In a word, Messaging Gateway is a class for Messaging system encapsulation.
  • The Messaging Gateway encapsulates messaging-specific code (e.g., the code required to send or receive a message) and separates it from the rest of the application code. This way, only the Messaging Gateway code knows about the messaging systems; the rest of the application code does not. 
  • The Messaging Gateway exposes a business function to the rest of the application so that instead of requiring the application to set properties like Message.MessageReadPropertyFilter.AppSpecific, a Messaging Gateway exposes methods such as GetCreditScore that accept strongly typed parameters just like any other method. 
  • A Message Gateway is a messing-specific version of the more general Gateway pattern.
Still, no more than the literal meaning of "Gateway".

Let's take a look at the combination of Request-Reply pattern and Messaging Gateway pattern:
  • Many Messaging Gateways send a message to another component and expect a reply message (see Request-Reply [154]). Such a Messaging Gateway can be implemented in two different ways:
    • Blocking (Synchronous) Messaging Gateway.
    • Event-Driven (Asynchronous) Messaging Gateway
In the Claim-Check example, the Messaging Gateway works as a blocking Messaging Gateway.

With all these information, I think what Spring Integration implements about Messaging Gateway fits the definition in EIP very well. But I still need to look closer into Spring Integration's implementation to understand more about its configurations.

@Gateway and <int:gateway/> in Spring Integration

There are many Gateway Things in Spring Integration, such as JDBC Outbound Gateways, JMS Inbound and Outbound Gateways, Web Service Inbound and Outbound Gateways, etc. What I am really interested in this moment is the @Gateway annotation, and <int:gateway/> namespace, which is defined as Messaging Gateways (7. Messaging Endpoints), while previously named Inbound Messaging Gateways (16. Inbound Messaging Gateways). 

I don't have time to find out the change history. But Messaging Gateways makes more sense to me than Inbound Messaging Gateways, mostly because I have problem to tell the directions, I guess.

default-request-channel and request-channel

According to the above reading with EIP, Spring Integration's Messaging Gateways are Request-Reply Messaging Gateways. In that case, I could easily understand the request-channel and reply-channel, which are part of its XML Namespace Support or @Gateway annotation.

However, things are tricky with request-channel. Literally, the request-channel is the channel that the Messaging Endpoint, which is Messaging Gateway here, receives requests with. However, with Messaging Gateway, the interface, will immediately delegate those request to the next hop, which is the first component on the other side, the Messaging System in this case.

public interface ClaimCheckGateway {
public static final String CLAIM_CHECK_ID = "ClaimCheckID";
@Gateway(requestChannel = "claim-check-in-channel")
public Message<String> send(Message<String> message);

<int:gateway id="claimCheckGateway" service-interface="simple.demo.springintegration.demo.chapter5.ClaimCheckGateway"/>
<int:chain input-channel="claim-check-in-channel" output-channel="processing-channel">
<int:claim-check-in message-store="simpleMessageStore"/>

From the above example, the requestChannel in ClaimCheckGateway is exactly the same channel for the first <int:chain/> component. It confused me in the first place, because I would have expected the input-channel of <int:chain/> was some output-channel from the previous component.

So as the reply-channel.

In the Claim-check example, no reply-channel was assigned to the Gateway, neither to the last component, which was the last <int:chain/> with "claim-check-out-channel" as its input-channel. Here is the explanation:

Typically you don't have to specify the default-reply-channel, since a Gateway will auto-create a temporary, anonymous reply channel, where it will listen for the reply. 

A Gateway will create a temporary point-to-point reply channel which is anonymous and is added to the Message Headers with the name replyChannel. When providing an explicit default-reply-channel (reply-channel with remote adapter gateways), you have the option to point to a publish-subscribe channel, which is so named because you can add more than one subscriber to it. Internally Spring Integration will create a Bridge between the temporary replyChannel and the explicitly defined default-reply-channel.

Now I think I begin to understand how Spring Integration's Gateway works. But I still want to take a look at how these things are implemented.

Implementation of Messaging Gateway in Spring Integration

The XML Namespace Parser

protected String getBeanClassName(Element element) {
return IntegrationNamespaceUtils.BASE_PACKAGE + ".gateway.GatewayProxyFactoryBean";

There are other important information for this XML namespace, but I am good with this at this moment.

GatewayProxyFactoryBean was mentioned a couple of time in Spring Integration's documentation.

Same as other FactoryBeans, here is the entry point I would take a look at:

public Object getObject() throws Exception {
if (this.serviceProxy == null) {
Assert.notNull(this.serviceProxy, "failed to initialize proxy");
return this.serviceProxy;

And in turn:

protected void onInit() {
synchronized (this.initializationMonitor) {
if (this.initialized) {
BeanFactory beanFactory = this.getBeanFactory();
if (this.channelResolver == null && beanFactory != null) {
this.channelResolver = new BeanFactoryChannelResolver(beanFactory);
Class<?> proxyInterface = this.determineServiceInterface();
Method[] methods = ReflectionUtils.getAllDeclaredMethods(proxyInterface);
for (Method method : methods) {
MethodInvocationGateway gateway = this.createGatewayForMethod(method);
this.gatewayMap.put(method, gateway);
this.serviceProxy = new ProxyFactory(proxyInterface, this).getProxy(this.beanClassLoader);
this.initialized = true;

In method createGatewayForMethod(...):

  MethodInvocationGateway gateway = new MethodInvocationGateway(messageMapper);
if (this.getTaskScheduler() != null) {
if (requestTimeout == null) {
else {
if (replyTimeout == null) {
else {
if (this.getBeanFactory() != null) {
if (this.shouldTrack) {
return gateway;

The hierarchy of Messaging Gateway implementation

And here is the implementation of send() method:

protected void send(Object object) {
Assert.notNull(object, "request must not be null");
Assert.state(this.requestChannel != null,
"send is not supported, because no request channel has been configured");
try {
this.messagingTemplate.convertAndSend(this.requestChannel, object, this.historyWritingPostProcessor);
catch (Exception e) {
if (this.errorChannel != null) {
this.messagingTemplate.send(this.errorChannel, new ErrorMessage(e));
else {
this.rethrow(e, "failed to send message");

This matches the idea that the requestChannel is delegated directly to the following messaging component.

The doSendAndReceive() method is more important. But it is too complex to list here.

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