
OSGi - Automated, unit and integration tests with JUnit | Software is art

OSGi - Automated, unit and integration tests with JUnit | Software is art

CBD - Component Based Development

Component-based software engineering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


iPOJO is a service component runtime aiming to simplify OSGi application development. It natively supports ALL the dynamism of OSGi. Based on the concept of POJO, application logic is developed easily. Non-functional properties are just injected in the component at runtime.

iPOJO strength points are :
  • components are developed as POJO, nothing else is required !
  • the component model is extensible, so feel free to adapt it to your needs
  • the standard component model manages service providing and service dependencies, and so can require any other OSGi services
  • iPOJO manages the component instance lifecycle and the environment dynamics as it has never been possible
  • iPOJO provides a powerful composition system to create highly dynamic applications
  • iPOJO supports annotations, XML or Java-based API to define the component


Apache Felix - apache-felix-ipojo-junit4osgi

JUnit4OSGi is a test framework executing JUnit tests on an OSGi runtime. JUnit4OSGi provides a JUnit++ environment specialized for OSGi, several runners and a maven plugin executing your tests during your build process

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