
ActiveMQ–Can’t have UDP Transport Connector Up and Running

Simply put, I can’t have ActiveMQ broker binds to a UDP port. What I saw from the output is this:

Starting UdpTransportServer@udp://

However, when I tried to list the UDP port, I found nothing:

$ netstat -an | grep 61617

Obviously, it’s about this class: ./activemq/transport/udp/UdpTransportServer.java.

    protected void doStart() throws Exception {
LOG.info("Starting " + this);

configuredTransport.setTransportListener(new TransportListener() {
public void onCommand(Object o) {
final Command command = (Command)o;

public void onException(IOException error) {
LOG.error("Caught: " + error, error);

public void transportInterupted() {

public void transportResumed() {
According to UdpTransport.toString(), there is something really interesting:
* @return pretty print of 'this'
public String toString() {
if (description != null) {
return description + port;
} else {
return getProtocolUriScheme() + targetAddress + "@" + port;

Starting UdpTransportServer@udp://

This @0 thing. Zero is supposed to be the port!! How could it be?! I don’t know. Let’s figure it out later.

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