
Fix That Code Immediately! | Javalobby

Fix That Code Immediately! | Javalobby

So – fix that code immediately. It saves time and headaches, and makes you a bit more proud of the project, rather than “that’s some piece of crap that some incompetent folks wrote, I was just doing some tasks on the side”. Because you can’t say that – if the project is crap, it’s your fault as well.
Important notes (thanks to commenters):
  • You should not change something just because you think it’s bad. Show it to your peers and technical leads. If it is something more than a couple of lines – discuss it more extensively and make a story about it. But do that as soon as possible.
  • The advice is not about code that is complex and hard to read because of that. if (specialCaseX) {//do magic} is probably there because of some complex business requirement. If you want to improve things, research that and add a comment.

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