

Apache Spark Developer Certification Program

Exam Preparation

To prepare for the Spark certification exam, we recommend that you:
  • Are comfortable coding the advanced exercises in Spark Camp or a related training (example exercises can be found here). Spark Camp and Spark Advanced Trainings are held at Strata+Hadoop Worldevents. Additional training opportunities are provided by Databricks.
  • Watch Introduction to Apache Spark by Paco Nathan. In this video training, you’ll complete hands-on technical exercises, and get up to speed on how to use Spark for data exploration, analysis, and building big data applications in Python, Java, or Scala.
  • Have mastered the material released so far in the O’Reilly book,Learning Spark.
  • Have some hands-on experience developing Spark apps in production already.
  • If you’re taking the online version of the exam, please read this information that addresses known issues you may experience when preparing to take the exam.
  • If you are in China, ChinaHadoop delivers Spark classes in Chinese. Register for the online course.
The test will include questions in Scala, Python, Java, and SQL. However, deep proficiency in any of those languages is not required, since the questions focus on Spark and its model of computation.

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