
The Simplest SNMP Agent Implementation Using SNMP4J Agent

If you are looking for a very simple SNMP Agent implementation using SNMP4J Agent library, here it .


Essential Elements

To start an SNMP Agent, I need the following essential elements:

  • Daemon information and daemon
  • Authentication

With SNMP4J, you can find the following terminologies / mappings:

Authentication Community
Network Daemon Transport



BaseAgent is usually the start point for programming an SNMP4J Agent. And it is a good idea to understand all properties of this class. Interestingly,

  • MIBs
  • Maanageable Object Server
  • Proxy Forwarder


  protected SNMPv2MIB snmpv2MIB;
protected SnmpFrameworkMIB snmpFrameworkMIB;
protected SnmpTargetMIB snmpTargetMIB;
protected SnmpNotificationMIB snmpNotificationMIB;
protected SnmpProxyMIB snmpProxyMIB;
protected SnmpCommunityMIB snmpCommunityMIB;
protected Snmp4jLogMib snmp4jLogMIB;
protected Snmp4jConfigMib snmp4jConfigMIB;
protected UsmMIB usmMIB;
protected VacmMIB vacmMIB;

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