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Hello world with ASM
The code was from these two articles:
Another example:
Another example:
Read Field Values using ASM
This is a very good post in Chinese to talk about the entrance level information of ASM and Java bytecode. I change the code slightly so that I have better output and use JUnit to drive the the output.
Here is the code
This is a very good post in Chinese to talk about the entrance level information of ASM and Java bytecode. I change the code slightly so that I have better output and use JUnit to drive the the output.
Here is the code
@Test public void testMethodA() throws Exception { ClassReader reader = new ClassReader("foo.ForReadClass"); ClassNode cn = new ClassNode(); reader.accept(cn, 0); System.out.println(cn.name); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<fieldnode> fields = cn.fields; printFieldNodes(fields); } private void printFieldNodes(List<fieldnode> fieldList) { for(FieldNode fieldNode : fieldList) { System.out.printf("Field name=%s, desc=%s, value=%s, access=%d\n", fieldNode.name, fieldNode.desc, fieldNode.value, fieldNode.access); if(fieldNode.visibleAnnotations != null) { for(Object anNode : fieldNode.visibleAnnotations) { System.out.println(((AnnotationNode)anNode).desc); } } } } @Test public void testMethodA2() throws Exception { ClassReader reader = new ClassReader(foo.ForReadClass.class.getName()); ClassNode cn = new ClassNode(); reader.accept(cn, 0); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<methodnode> methodList = cn.methods; for(MethodNode md : methodList) { System.out.printf("Method Node name = %s, access = %d, desc = %s, signature = %s\n", md.name, md.access, md.desc, md.signature); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<localvariablenode> lvNodeList = md.localVariables; for(LocalVariableNode lvn : lvNodeList) { System.out.printf("\tLocal Variable name = %s, label = %s, desc = %s, sign = %s\n", lvn.name, lvn.start.getLabel(), lvn.desc, lvn.signature); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<abstractinsnnode< instraIter = md.instructions.iterator(); while(instraIter.hasNext()) { AbstractInsnNode abi = instraIter.next(); if(abi instanceof LdcInsnNode) { LdcInsnNode ldcI = (LdcInsnNode) abi; System.out.println("\tLDC node value : " + ldcI.cst); } } } MethodVisitor mv = cn.visitMethod(Opcodes.AALOAD, "<init>", Type.getType(String.class).toString(), null, null); mv.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETFIELD, Type.getInternalName(String.class), "str", Type.getType(String.class).toString()); System.out.println(cn.name); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<fieldnode> fieldList = cn.fields; printFieldNodes(fieldList); }hello world
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