
MX4J Step by Step: 2. Using mx4j

C:\sources\temp\MBeanTest01>java -cp \
lib\mx4j.jar;lib\mx4j-impl.jar;lib\mx4j-jmx.jar;lib\mx4j-rimpl.jar;dist\MBeanTest01.jar \
-Djavax.management.builder.initial=mx4j.server.MX4JMBeanServerBuilder \

MX4J Step by Step: 1. A Simple MBean



You'd better use ObjectName.getInstance(String) instead of new ObjectName(String) for efficiency reason.


Import Project into Subversion Using NetBeans IDE


Here is some complementary:

1. on the server side:
svn mkdir ${repo-root}/<your-project-directory>/<your-project-directory>
2. on the client side:

If you don't create at lease one level of subdirectory and import the project under that subdirectory, you will encounter such an Error Message on the client side:

Trying to use the Subversion plugin with svn+ssh, I get the following: org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Trying to use an unsupported feature Server d


Create an All-in-One Document Page of Javadoc

Today I was asked to print out all information of a Java project. I gave a solution based on Javadoc. However, Javadoc generates many HTML files for packages and classes, one for each generally. I came up with an idea to re-organise all the files together.

Therefore, I made a PERL program to do the job automatically. I found Javadoc has very good documentation templates, all essential information comes between

<!-- ========= END OF TOP NAVBAR ========= -->


<!-- ======= START OF BOTTOM NAVBAR ====== -->

This template helps me a lot. The work ended up with a 200 lines of PERL.

Actually, I could refine the document a little bit. But the current solution is good enough I think.